Friday, April 2, 2021

C-Section vs Normal Delivery

C-section delivery has become an ‘epidemic’ in India. The rate of C-section (cesarean) delivery is increasing than the normal delivery. Although the overall rate of cesarean deliveries in India is around 17%, rates have risen rapidly over the last ten years from 8.5% in 2005–06 to 17.2% in 2015–both in the private sector and in urban areas.


First, let us understand what it is.

What is C-section delivery ?

It’s a surgical process that takes around 45 minutes. The baby is out within 10-15minutes. The doctor makes an incision through your abdomen and uterus to remove your baby.

The vast majority of C-sections performed while the mother is awake, and she usually receives either an epidural or a spinal block to numb the lower half of the body. The surgery itself won’t hurt because of the painkillers—although you may feel pressure during your C-section and a tugging sensation when the baby is pulled out.

There are stitches on your lower abdomen which you need to take care of properly. The doctor suggests ointment and proper oiling for the same, that has to be maintained until a mother recovers.


What is a Normal Delivery?


Also known as Natural birth and vaginal delivery. The mother doesn’t have to go for any surgical procedure. But can take an epidural during the process. It’s a little lengthy process almost for around 12-15 hours depending on how much it has dilated the cervix.

So, now after knowing about both the deliveries- Let’s throw some light on this via sharing a few common myths.

Each delivery style has its pros and cons.


MYTH 1: Vaginal delivery is more painful than a c-section?

Truth: yes! A vaginal birth may leave mom with some pain in the

‘perineum’ — the area between the vagina and anus. But a mother with vaginal delivery recovers a little earlier than compared to the c-sections delivery mothers.


Myth 2: A mother cannot have a vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC).

VBAC- Vaginal Birth after C-Section

Truth: No! It’s not true. I know one of my friends who has gone for VBAC after her first c-cesarean. All you have to do is to prepare your mind and the body accordingly for the same. (it requires consistency and the regularity on deep breathing exercises)


Myth #3: You can't breastfeed after a C-section.

Truth: No. A mother should put an effort in making skin-to-skin contact with the baby and getting emotionally attached. She can breastfeed her baby with the right breastfeeding position.


Myth 4: Having a C-section means you can't get Postpartum Depression.

Truth: No. It’s an alternative lifestyle that a new mother has to accept and live this way. Postpartum depression needs to be focussed on both the physical and mental health of a new mother. It can be handled well with the support of the family members. We’ll be talking about this in our next blog.

Myth 5: C-section deliveries are more expensive than natural ones.

Truth: It depends on which hospital you choose. Vaginal delivery happens at a less rate in government hospitals whereas it’s high 10-15% in private hospitals. You can consult your doctor regarding this. But you must know what’s the difference between a c-section and normal delivery. What all can you exercise to get the best results? Rest, sometimes a complex situation occurs during the delivery time when a doctor doesn’t go for normal delivery. Thus, they decide to go with the cesarean.


You know how your body reacts. It depends on a mother’s intuition that what type of delivery would be best for her. A few can’t bear the pain of 3 hours whereas a few stayed in the pain for 24 hours to have a natural birth.


Note: You’ll get the material of what to add to the baby’s diaper bag while going for the delivery as a bonus. For that, you need to email me after finishing reading 26 blogs daily. You can join the WhatsApp group to receive all the updates. 

This blog is a part of the blogchatterA2Z challenge.

BlogChattera2z:B-Blessings on the way

BlogChattera2z:B-Blessings on the way

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  1. Well written !!
    These myths that you have mentioned are very informative.

  2. I had both Caesars and I am still suffering from post natal depression even after 36 years. Child birth is a different experience for each mom I feel

  3. Well brought out myths. Many times couples cannot decide. Earlier there was no choice and now as u rightly said its common so its better to know the pros and cons. You brought it out very well in your post
    Deepika Sharma

  4. Wow... I didn't realize some of these were actual concepts in people's minds... Good that you talked of it. Especially happy that you brought up VBAC too. We do see it commonly here.

  5. Such in informative post. you had busted all myths so clearly. I have two C sections and faced all these question/myths during post partum period.

  6. I agree c section and normal both are equally painful but still I feel Normal delivery is like having a second birth for a mother.

  7. Agree people have so many myths with both the deliveries. I have experienced both deliveries, and with my experience will surely vote for natural birth but sometimes the baby's life is more important and then an operation seems a better choice. Mothers need to trust themselves and believe too. I had breastfed after C-section too, its all in your mind.

  8. Very detailed write up and glad you debunked myths.

  9. Great informative post where you busted the myths so vividly. I have witnessed One of my cousins going for VBACS. You have rightly pointed out that it's all in our minds.

  10. There are so many myths around this and you have demystified them beautifully ! Kudos to that

  11. Extremely vital post, breaks so many myths and answers them rightfully buddy.

  12. This is very informative post and busted lot of myths . I had c sec and it took me 3 months to recover properly . Given a choice i guess we should always opt for natural birth but my doctor was not good and did c sec deliberately.

  13. Glad you bring all the facts and myths related to c=section and Normal delivery, It will be really very helpful infos to all soon to be mothers out there. As per my experience I went through both kind of deliveries. And I must say eating healthy, exercise, yoga, happiness are the main ingredients to have a happy baby no mother which way you go to deliver your child.
