Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Vision Board for expecting mothers

Image Source: Pinterest.com

 ‘This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.’ 

We've heard a lot about vision boards to achieve our short- and long-term goals. With this blog, I wanted to help expectant mothers to have a positive mindset throughout their pregnancy via a vision board. Vision Board for expecting mothers.

 Vision Board for Expectant Mothers

We all are aware of the book “The Secret'', and “the Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, who has explained the concept of “the law of attraction”. 


Vision boards play an important role in getting what you want. You can manifest all the things that you desire. You get the desired results just by putting your right intentions into it. Vision Boards are helpful, whether you use them for your personal or professional purpose. Today, let's get to know a little about how it helps expectantmothers and those who’re trying to conceive.


What is a Vision Board?


It’s a board where you put pictures, quotes, and affirmations of what you want in your life. These are the desires that you put into the board and remind it of your subconscious mind every day. It results from your visualization. This works by “the Law of attraction”.


The Law of Attraction 


Law of attraction means that whatever your mind believes with full right intentions and emotions. Then it becomes the reality. You need to believe in the power of  mind to attract anything that you desire. Our subconscious mind has the power to believe in what you allow it to believe. It depends on you, what you feed to your subconscious mind. Some techniques that can apply the law of attraction are affirmations and visualization.

You have heard the word affirmations so many times but now let us discuss what exactly affirmations are? And how does it work? 


About Affirmations:


Affirmations are the positive statements that you adopt in your daily life to program your subconscious mind. It overcomes the negativity of the thoughts. And the best thing about this is, you can repeat it throughout the day. But to get the best out of it, the best time to get the best result is to say it early morning just after you wake up or before you fall asleep at night. 


Here are a few takes you can apply to make your affirmations as well. You need to remember few things like:

  •  It should always be in the present tense.
  • You should have positive intentions while writing it down.
  • Don't write affirmations in the future tense.
  • Visualize and feel the affirmations while writing or speaking them verbally
  • Have a positive mindset while affirming.
  •  Here, I’m sharing a few affirmations for the expecting mothers they can apply for their benefit. We all are aware that words are more powerful. So, choose the right word accordingly. Those words push you, motivate you, and bring out the enthusiasm in you.


The importance of affirmations during pregnancy

  • You feel happier and less stressed.
  • Helps you to turn your thoughts into a positive thought
  • Makes it easier to sleep and to eat
  • Helps you to prepare your mind for the pregnancy


Affirmations for expecting mothers:

  • “I welcome the changes in my body.”
  • “My pregnant body is beautiful.”
  • “My body knows how to nourish and grow my baby.”
  • “My baby feels my love.”
  • “My baby and I are healthy.”
  • “My body is perfectly equipped to give birth




It simply means VISUALISING the life, the moments, the goal that you want to achieve. Visualization means imagining that you have already reached your goal or some kind of positive thought. It’s an important part of the law of attraction. For e.g... If you want to have a healthy baby, then you need to visualize a healthy baby. If you’re visualizing a baby who’s not healthy, then the law of attraction doesn’t work on the positive side. Keep your intentions pure while visualizing. It attracts what you think.


Now, “What is Manifestation and how to manifest it”?




We define it like it's happening with us in real life or we’ve already achieved our desired outcome. 


How to Manifest?

  • Sit in peace and keep observing your vision board
  • Do deep breathing and make yourself calm and focussed
  • Visualize your life with the help of your board
  • Use imagination and pretend as you’ve already achieved the desired results.
  • Make yourself happy and excited about the good news
  • Put your positive intentions into it.
  • Keep the poster in front of it recorded in your subconscious mind.


What do you need to make the Vision Board?

1.       Big cardboard (ideal size 24”*30”)

2.     Collect your pictures 

3.     Write affirmations

4.     Write your favorite quotes

5.     Colorful pens, colorful stickers

6.     Babies images

7.     A lot of creativity

8.    100% commitment


So, now we’ve everything with us to make the best vision board 


How to get the best out of the vision board?

  • Be specific about thwart you want
  • Keep the things real. For e.g., you can’t write as I want 
  • Choose your categories like health, career, family, personal, and others
  • Write short-term or long-term long in each category
  • You can re-edit your vision board once you achieve your mentioned goals.
  • Be grateful when you look at your vision board.


Why the law of attraction doesn’t work? 

  • You’re not putting the positive intentions
  • You’re practicing it with a negative or undisturbed mind
  • You don’t understand the ‘Law’
  • You’re flowing your energy towards your nightmares
  • You’re not fully committed to your dream
  • You’re patient enough


You can use such types of vision boards for any purpose of your life like your daily routine, writing short- and long-term goals, etc. You can add many categories of your choice where you want to manifest things. The categories are personal, career, health, family, financial and others, etc.


Let's discuss, “ What is that one thing you want to achieve this year”? Is it a healthy baby, fit body, or conceiving the baby? Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box below.

Don't miss out on checking out my ebook and sharing your reviews with me at radhikajindal21@gmail.com or my Instagram page.

Book Link: The essence of Motherhood   

You can fill up the google form if you would like to buy its paperback/kindle copy once I publish it on Amazon.inYou can join the WhatsApp group
 to receive all the updates. 

Monday, June 7, 2021





Author’s Name: Jyoti Kaur

Total Pages:65

Genre: Self-help (Parenting)

Rating: 4.5*/5


About the Author: 

The author is an architect, who is following her passion for writing and blogging. She writes about parenting, Travel, and Lifestyle in her blog Mom Captures Life.


About the Book:

The book will make you enter the journey of parenthood. The author has thrown some light on the first year of motherhood and how the baby grows. What difficulties you’ll face and how can you handle them well? As new parents, we're not much aware of what's going to happen next, but we ensure we do our best. Babies in their first few initial years always surprise us with their extra activities. 


Jyoti has mentioned crawling, and baby walkers, etc. And not forgetting about how you can improve certain skills of the baby like fine motor skills, gross motor skills, language, and cognitive skills, etc. The author has put in her best efforts to explain how we can help kids in improving their skills as per their age.


Being a mother of a toddler myself, this book has helped me a lot in encouraging my kids to play independently. There is a lot of advice shared by the author on the child's behavior, sleeping pattern, and how you can nurture your kid well. 


I highly recommended the book to all parents to have a positive parenting journey. The writing style is lucid. You can expect a lot from the book and it seems like a complete guide for those parents who are looking for ways on:

  • How to handle toddler tantrums.
  • How to become a Yes Parent
  • How to teach values to your kids.

The book sets a positive tone till the end of the book. The book will leave you with a positive thought and how to make yourself grow in the parenting journey. If you're already a mother, you'll be able to relate to the author. And, if you're new to your parenting journey, then you should download the book now to get the best out of it.

If you’re a mother, always trying your best but crying that you couldn’t do your best then don't miss out on checking the last chapter on "How to live with Zero Mom guilt" which belongs to all the mothers.

Don't miss out on checking out my ebook and sharing your reviews with me at radhikajindal21@gmail.com or my Instagram page.

Book Link: The essence of Motherhood   

You can fill up the google form if you want to buy its paperback/kindle copy once I publish it on Amazon.inYou can join the WhatsApp group to receive all the updates. 

This blog is a part of the blogchatterA2Z challenge powered by the blogchatter.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Book Review: Sochna to Padega Hi

Book: Sochna toh Padega Hi

Author: Piyush Goel (Dadriwala)

Publisher: Literatureslight

Genre: self-help, Inspirational (Hindi)

Pages: 117

Rating: 4.5*

Reading Time for the blog: 3 minutes

Buy here:

Kindle edition 

 Q. Are you looking for some motivation?

  If yes, then I am here with an incredible book that explains “Sochna toh padega hi”. 


Why Did I Choose This Book?

 During the lockdown, we all know how much it has affected us both physically and mentally. I was looking for some positive vibes. The book title caught my attention, and it convinced me to buy the book. Don't miss out on checking my Hindi review at the end of the blog.


About The Author: Piyush Goel (Dadriwala)

The author is a Mechanical Engineer, Motivator and Mirror Image writer, from 2003 to 2015 Piyush has written 16 books in Mirror Image format, which includes Shri Bhagwat Geeta (English & Hindi), Madhushala (using a needle), Panchatantra (using carbon paper), Geetanjali (using mehendi cone), Sai Satcharitra (English & Hindi) and Piyushvani (using nail).


Piyush has written a book with a needle, which is the first-ever book written using a needle. Piyush has published 3 books already, visit: www.piyushgoel.in for more details. 


About The Book:

 The book is about 117 motivational quotes about life, and how one can keep moving on. The inspiring pearls of wisdom highlight the importance of life, responsibilities, career, hard work, failures, and others, etc. The book will make you feel like an elder is guiding us via this book.


 Who the Book Is For?

  •   For all age groups - kids, young and old age
  •   For those who're looking for some motivation in life.
  •   For those who think life is tough


How Is This Book Helpful?

  •    To build up confidence
  •   To improve your relationship.
  •   To find a practical approach towards life.
My Favorite quote from the book:

Image Source: Book-Sochna toh padega hi

I highly recommend the book to all those who’re looking for some kind of inspiration in their daily life. The writing style is lucid. One-liners in the book give you the practical guide to become a better you. The book title justifies the content of the book. The book throws light on each area of life whether it’s about hardships, difficulties, and the things happening in our daily life. The author expressed his thoughts beautifully in the book with a primary motive to help people. If you’re looking for a quick motivation before you start your day, then this is the right pick for you.


Book review in Hindi: “ये किताब लेखक पियूष गोयल ने लिखी हैं जो की हमारी ज़िन्दगी पर हैं. ये एक बहुत ही अच्छी मोटिवेशनल बुक हैं जो आपको लाइफ से जुड़ी बातों को दर्शाती हैं. ये किताब आपको लाइफ को कैसे जीना हैं उस पर प्रेरणा नहीं देती बल्कि लाइफ की समस्या से कैसे लड़ना हैं. इसमें कुल 117 इंस्पिरेशनल कोट्स और वन -लाइन्स हैं जो आपको हर रोज़ पोसिटिव वाइब्स देगी। लेखक ने बहुत ही सरल भाषा में लिखा हैं जिससे पढ़ने में आसानी होगी. यह किताब में लिखा कंटेंट, लेखक के एक्सपीरियंस को दर्शाता हैं. ये किताब आपको लाइफ में आगे बढ़ने के लिए पुश करेगी और एक नयी सोच की तरफ ले जाएगी. मैं सभी ऐज (बच्चे, बड़े) के लोगो को ये बुक पड़ने के लिए सुझाव दूगी जो लाइफ में आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं.


This is such an amazing book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. The book is definitely on my “To-be read” list again. Don’t forget to read one page every day.

Let's discuss “Which quote did you like the best from this book?” 

So, What’re You Waiting For? Grab your copy now.

Check out another self-improvement book review: The Mind Game

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